Monday, January 3, 2011

I Saved 75% On My Christmas Candy By Being Studious

CONGRATULATIONS TO ME! Why you ask? Because, BY GEORGE, I'VE GOT IT! I've mastered the art of predicting holiday candy clearance sales at Target!

After observing several holiday sales at Target I realized that there was almost no set rhythm, pattern or method to the madness that is the discount rates on holiday candy and the increments of time for which they remain on the shelves. There are of course various influencing factors such as the success of holiday season sales which directly correlate to the surplus of inventory after the season has ended.... ok, so I have no way of figuring any of this out but I have been collecting data the best way I can which is by visiting at varying intervals of days and seeing what the typical amount of time it takes for candy to reach 75% without selling out or being cleared off the shelves to make room for something else. OK, so I'm already starting to feel a little sorry for myself and my lack of better things to do so I'll go right ahead to the point:

- Each holiday is a little bit different (yet)
- 7-9 days after the holiday in question is the average amount of time it takes for   the discounts to reach 75%
- Holidays like Halloween and Valentines Day and Easter will reach their maturity date or peak faster than Christmas candy yet it will stay on the shelves longer without being cleared or sold out because people don't realize that candies get special Christmas/winter editions that are required to be cleared off shelves within a certain time. So in very rare occasions discounts will linger at 90% before disappearing.

People laughed when I told them about my theories (even the dude at the cash register!) but I saved $25 today! Who's laughin' now?

Oh, also circled in red are my fish sticks and custard-filled eclairs. I've been a little sick lately and haven't had much of an appetite but I was watching Dr. Who last night and he was only able to satisfy his hunger with some fish sticks and custard and it sounded kinda good so I thought I'd try some.

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