Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Grandma Reminisces: The Gun

In the late 80s my Grandma was working at a family-run dry cleaners in Los Angeles. Every day, her daily commute consisted of a short walk down the street and around the back of a little market. It was normally a quiet walk and seldom would she run into another person let alone witness something unusual. One day as she was nearing the market she was startled to see a figure, either an elderly man or woman pointing what appeared to be a gun right at her! My grandmother recalls herself thinking "oh my, today's the day I get struck down by a bullet" but without a second glance she just scuttled along forward just as she had intended, all the while thinking that her legs couldn't move fast enough.

When she arrived at work, her co-workers asked her what was wrong and when she told them the story they knew exactly what she was talking about. Apparently that was a local grumpy person (possibly suffering from dementia) that walked around pointing a toy gun at people. She thought of this story because we were watching a show about the DEA (drug enforcement agency?) for a little while before lunch. I think I want to be like my grandma when I grow up. By this I mean I want awesome stories to tell while watching a show before meals... and also the bravery part.

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